Rose Info

Roses In Review

Roses in Review is the method the American Rose Society uses to arrive at the ratings of roses in the Buyers Guide.  After a variety has been introduced for one year it is placed on the list.  It remains on the list for three years for evaluation by the individual growers.  The Roses in Review information is collected from ARS members nationwide on an annual basis.  Our Tenarky District responses are collected and compiled by Jeff Garrett and are the results of a review of roses in our area.


Katnips is the newsletter of the Tenarky district of the American Rose Society.

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What should I feed my roses and how often?
The easiest thing to do is to apply Fertilome Rose Food monthly. If you would rather fertilize more often, you can use a balanced water soluble fertilizer every two weeks — Peter’s 20-20-20, Schultz Rose Food, Miracle Grow. Roses also love fish emulsion, which can be used alone or in combination with other fertilizers.

How much sun do roses need?
Most roses need at least six hours of full sun to produce a strong and healthy bush and a maximum number of blooms. Morning sun is especially important because it dries the leaves early in the day, which helps prevent disease.

Can roses be grown in the shade?
Growing roses in the shade is not advised. Roses grown in shady conditions tend to develop more diseases, grow taller and lankier and produce fewer blooms than those grown in full sun.

When should I prune roses?
Our local Consulting Rosarians advise pruning at about the time the forsythia is blooming, which is usually in mid-to-late February. Pruning too early may damage your roses. Once your roses have been pruned in the spring, never cut off more than 1/3 of the bush at a time.

When is the best time to move a rose bush?
The best time is when the bush is completely dormant, which will occur after a couple of freezes in late fall or winter.

What is the purpose of deadheading and how is it done?
The purpose of deadheading (removing old blooms) is to encourage new growth and blooms. When removing the spent bloom, cut ¼ to ½ inch above a set of five leaves.
If the bush is a first-year plant, leave more growth on the bush by cutting just above the first set of three leaves until the bush gets better established.

I have heard that roses have to be sprayed with fungicides to keep from getting blackspot and powdery mildew. Is this true?
Yes, you have to spray a fungicide (Funginex or Immunox), which prevents and protects the leaves from fungus. Start early in the spring as soon as your rose bush begins putting out leaves and continue every 7 to 10 days throughout the growing season. Alternate different fungicides so a resistance to one fungicide will not develop.

I already have blackspot. What should I do now?
Since infected leaves spread this disease, it is important that ALL diseased leaves be removed from the bush and the ground. Spray with a fungicide on a five-day schedule and continue removing diseased leaves until the blackspot is under control. This will take a few weeks.

Warm temperatures, wet leaves and splashing water are conditions that promote this disease. To keep from getting and/or controlling blackspot you should always: Maintain a regular spray program with a good fungicide spraying every seven to ten days. Avoid getting the leaves wet when watering and avoid watering late in the day. Clean up the beds completely of ALL leaves and stems. Have good ventilation through the bush.